japanese english
Resort Introduction "Ontake Ski Resort

Created Date: 2023/11/14

Author: 伊藤達哉

Resort Introduction "Ontake Ski Resort

While cherishing the history and culture of the past,
while respecting the history and culture of the past.

The Japan Ski Village
Ontake Ski Resort (former name: Ontake 2240, former name: Ontake Ski Resort, National Ontake Ski Resort)
Ontake Ski Resort (former name: Ontake 2240, former name: Ontake Ski Resort, National Ontake Ski Resort) has walked its history together with Otaki Village as a community of destiny.
This year marks the 62nd season since its opening in 1961.
Ontake, the pride of Japan,
Ontake, Japan's pride and joy, and is one of the best high-altitude ski resorts in Japan,
With "snow available" and "snow to stay" as weapons in an environment of global warming
We will make a fresh start with the goal of becoming a globally competitive ski resort.
And together with Otaki Village
We will continue to strive to become "The Japan Ski Village" with the village of Otaki.